Minecraft Kingdom 1.3 2

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Tale of Kingdoms is an adventure RPG mod where you prove your worth as a King, fight evil and eventually raise your own Kingdom. The mod currently includes the starting guild, where you must prove to the Guild Master that you are worthy of ruling your Kingdom, as well as several different NPC, friendly, neutral and aggressive.

The mod is still in development, but already it has proven itself to many as a fun, enjoyable Minecraft experience.- I tyberalyx didn't write this. Note: If you are just starting on this mod, you cannot play this in an existing world, you have to start a new world.If you want to set prices for other mods, enable GenerateCodeForPrices in the props file.When enabled and ran along side other mods, it will generate a text file where your Minecraft.exe is located. There you could send me the pricelist you have set and I will credit you for setting its prices. The more mod tale of kingdom support, the more you could buy and sell! Message me the code or post the code in the thread alright?

Quote fromTale of Kingdoms 1.2.4 Walkthrough 1.1 (as of )AUTHOR'S NOTE1: I have just recently updated to version 1.2.4. Much of this walkthrough was written based on experiences with pre-1.2.0 versions-specifically the Guild and Honor systems. However, I have completed Tier 1 on 1.2.0, and base all my experiences on the Town/City/Kingdom to 1.2.0, and the last several days playing through ToK 1.2.4 with Minecraft updated to the 1.0 release. Any 1.3. version (which does not exist at the time of this writing) will likely have some differences, and some things in common with this walkthrough.AUTHOR'S NOTE2: I did not create Tale of Kingdoms, nor did I take place in its development, have knowledge of or contact with TyberAlyx (ToK's Author). I also did not create Minecraft, nor did I take place in its development, or have knowledge of or contact with Notch (Minecraft's creator).

I do not claim to have any involvement with or ownership of any content that this walkthrough deals with.AUTHOR'S NOTE3: In this document, there are strategies which I define as CHEATS. These are LEGIT, GAME+MOD ALLOWED ACTIONS which advantage the player to an extreme degree. NONE OF THE ACTIONS/STRATEGIES DESCRIBED INVOLVE CHANGING ANY ASPECT OF THE ORIGINAL GAME CODE OTHER THAN INSTALLING THE MOD ITSELFAUTHOR'S NOTE4: Please feel free to distribute this document in any form, CONTINGENT UPON THE CONDITIONs THUSLY STATED:1. THIS DOCUMENT CANNOT BE USED TO PERSONALLY PROFIT IN ANY REALM OUTSIDE OF MINECRAFT/MINECRAFTIA/A FICTIONAL GAME WORLD INVOKED BY 1s AND 0s RECOGNIZABLE BY A BLOCK-BASED FORMAT, AND SITUATED IN A VIRTUAL THREE DIMENSIONAL ENVIRONMENT,2. THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS PUBLISHED IN ITS ENTIRETY, and3. THAT CREDIT IS GIVEN TO MY HANDLE: mohfe2.=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Table of Contents - Tale of Kingdoms 1.2.4 Walkthrough 1.1 (as of )I. General AdviceA.

Why Tale of Kingdoms is different than regular MinecraftB. Storing ItemsII. Guild SpawnB. NPC Charactersa. CHEAT - Farmerd. Forger/Item Salesmane. Guild MasterC.

Rest of 1st Half of Honor GatheringIII. Reficul attackA. Why, how and what the player should doB. CHEAT - Cannibalizing the Guild (For Fun and Profit)IV. Just before KingshipA. Cobblestone and WoodB. The 'Builder' NPCV.

Founding your Town1. Location and specificationsa. Relation to Guildb. Direction, size and expansion2. Buildings by importance (Tier 1.a. Stock Marketc. Large House/Small House/Small House3.

Myths and Facts about your cityB. Growing your Town1.

CHEAT - Stock Market4. Maintaining your TownVI.

Minecraft Kingdom 1.3 2

Buildings by importance (Tier 2.1. Blocks Shop3. Large House/Large House/Small House/Small House/Small House5.

Builder HouseB. Keep going, the effort is worth it!VII. Buildings by importance (Tier 3.1. CHEAT - STUDYINGb. CHEAT - INVESTMENT2.

Large House/Small House/Small House/Small House5. You've done it!VIII. Change-log=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Tale of Kingdoms 1.2.4 Walkthrough 1.1 (as of )I.

General AdviceA. Why Tale of Kingdoms is different than regular MinecraftMinecraft is amazing. Minecraft has been amazing for many versions now, and with every new Mojang update comes a new reason to gaze at a lit screen in wonder. In turn, user-created mods have altered the Minecraft Player's experience, but neither Mojang nor other modders have been able to adjust the building-block platform in the way the TyberAlyx has with Tale of Kingdoms (ToK).The typical Minecraft game's essence of freedom is exponentially modified in ToK through the clever combination of Non-Person Character (NPC) activity, economics, and generative block code.

The ability of the Minecraft Player to collect a monetary profit through discovery/conquest/item sales is nothing new, but with NPC characters able to construct magnificent buildings in an instant and then sell you nearly every item in the game, the story of Minecraft has again been completely rewritten.Often, at the outset of a standard new game, the Minecraft Player is forced to fend for his/her life from the very start, with no allies or cohorts to guide him/her. In contrast, the standard ToK game comes complete with a gigantic Guild, full of allies and defended by high walls. This event alone contradicts the inherent 'housing' problem that is typical of the un-modded Minecraft Player's experience.

Letting go of the insatiable desire to gather construction elements is a part of the ToK Minecraft Player's experience as he/she begins to see the blocks of the world as commodities, physical sources of value which can be sold quickly to pay for new tools, swords, and armor.Forget minecraft as you know it. Embrace the abilities this mod provides, and enjoy the ride while it continues!:-DMake no mistake, your missions are very clear: Collect HONOR to become King, and collect COBBLESTONE AND WOOD to rule a KINGDOM! Do not waste your time as a typical Minecraft Player would.

Act fast, kill as often as you can, and only purchase what will help defend or kill; these are the tennents that will allow the Minecraft Player to ascend the Kingship's throne in only hours, rather than days. Dawdling, the Minecraft Player will rue the day they added ToK to their Mods folder.

Focus, and THE PATH TO GLORY, WEALTH, and the KINGSHIP will be REVEALED!B. Storing ItemsPLEASE BE VERY AWARE THAT THEGUILDAND THE TOWN/CITY/KINGDOMARE NOT SAFE PLACES TO STORE YOUR ITEMS IN CHESTS.1. The SPAWN AREAS, or areas where blocks are destroyed and then regenerated, are quite obvious once they have occurred. In particular, everything that will not be respawned in the guild's area of regeneration WILL BE ERASED (when the FIX GUILD option is invoked; at least once after the Reficul attack). This means THE GUILD IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO STORE ITEMS.

AGAIN, ANY BLOCK THAT IS NOT BEING REGENERATED WILL BE DESTROYED WHEN THE 'FIX GUILD' OPTION IS INVOKED.a. The Gate of the Guild will always spawn facing WEST on the In-Game Minecraft Map.b. The best place for a house is your spawn point, because that is where the elevation of your Guild and the rest of the terrain are equal, andc. The Guild's re-spawn area must be treated as an off-limits zone for hoarding treasure.2. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR THE TOWN ('FIX TOWN' option), ALTHOUGH IT IS IMPORTANT TO BEAR IN MIND THAT, IN ADDITION TO 'FIX TOWN', WITH EACH ADDITIONAL TIER COMES AN EXPANSION OF THE SPAWN AREA. Don't go building just anywhere outside the city walls because you think that those areas are safe.

In fact, they can be just as treacherous as building within the city walls!Here are the exact FACTS that you need to BUILD your own buildings and STORE INVENTORIES in your own chests:a. The Gate of the Town will always spawn facing WEST on the In-Game Minecraft Map.i. Therefore, WHEN LOOKING AT THE MINECRAFT IN-GAME MAP, THE SAFE AREAS TO STORE ITEMS ARE TO THE WEST AND TO THE NORTH OF YOUR WALLS, orii.

The best place for a house is just outside of your Town/City/Kingdom Gates: either straight ahead, or to the right (When exiting your Town/City/Kingdom).b. YOUR TOWN'S WALL WILL ALWAYS EXPAND SOUTH AND EAST TO ACCOMODATE NEW BUILDINGS (This will also be touched upon later.)II.

Guild SpawnWhen you create a new world, a text box will open and you will be asked to start on your 'PATH TO KINGSHIP'. Accept this if you wish to play Minecraft with the ToK Mod. As far as I know (AFAIK), only one ToK game is allowed to exist. As I understand the situation, TyberAlyx is building a 'better saving program', but I would not risk losing any of the work that you're about to embark upon. So until further notice, I say ONLY ONE (1) GAME AT A TIME!When this box is accepted (as opposed to declined), the guild will spawn directly behind you, with the entrance facing west (on an in-game Minecraft map).1. Before the boxYou may have a few seconds/moments to move before this box appears.a.

Don't moveSeriously, don't move! If the spawn is lousy you only lose a couple of seconds exiting, deleting and creating a new world. A far better option than persisting for hours on a sub-par gaming foundation.b. If you move, go downThe guild will spawn based on your elevation/Y-coordinate.

If you are on a hill, then cliffs may appear around your guild. Moving down will lower the elevation/Y-coordinate and give you a potentially less-distrubed guild-placement.

This is beneficial because when the Guild is spawned at a higher elevation point, cliffs always are created between the guild (high/low) and the terrain (low/high) around it. I HAVE PERSONALLY NEVER EXPERIENCED A CONSISTENT GUILD OR TOWN SHAPE WITH THE TERRAIN. I believe that this is because ToK often forces the Minecraft Player to start in a hilly forest biome, and Minecraft's terrain generator does not allow for the tremendous tracts of FLAT TERRAIN necessary for the construction of THE GUILD.2. After the boxLook around. This spawn point will always be your best bet for a way to travel from your Guild's elevation to the surrounding areas, and just outside of the path will be a nice place for A HOUSE THAT WON'T BE DESTROYED WHEN YOU FIX THE GUILD.Make sure that the area in the front of the entrace to the Guild is solid ground, as opposed to an ocean/sea/lake/water. Most likely the solid ground (if it exists) will be slightly above or below your entrance, and covered in trees, which is the MOST ADVANTAGEOUS OUTCOME. Continue to play if you have a slightly higher or lower elevation than your entrance.

RESTART IMMEDIATELY IF THE LOCATION/SPAWN IS NOT TO YOUR LIKING. I did this several dozen times. The ToK Mod will take several days for even the most committed Minecraft Player, the world should probably be one that you like!B. 1st DayNow that an acceptable map and spawn exist, ToK can begin!1. COLLECT ROSES AND FLOWERSBefore entering the Guild, run around the outside of the wall's perimeter. COLLECT EVERY ROSE AND FLOWER YOU FIND. Roses are worth 80 gold, while flowers are worth 40 gold.

They will be the basis of your economy.2. NPC CharactersThe NPC characters in ToK are far more advanced that the mindless drones that shuffle about in normal minecraft villages. In fact, speaking with them (right-clicking) will tell you much about what type of NPC they are, and how they can aid you in your quest to achieve KINGSHIP.a. SoldiersSoldiers are the first NPCs you will meet, and they won't have much to say.

Handing them a Wooden Sword will turn them into sparring partners, but the Honor gained is insubstantial, and I recommend utilizing Soldiers solely as back-up for your Kill-Zone adventures and the Reficul attack! However, at the guild at least a dozen are regularly on patrol, defending the residents of the Guild. They are consistently called into action, as several dark areas exist within the walls and mobs will be constantly spawning outside the front entrance.b. SurvivorA solitary Survivor of the Reficul raids stands in the Guild's main square, anxious for news of other NPC survivors. Finding other survivors in abandoned villages and returning them to him/her will result in an increase of honor. However, the Honor gained is also insubstantial, and I would recommend not dealing with survivors at all.

(Although, that's not to say that this type of action is undesirable for the mod itself! On this note of personal editorialization, I hope that survivors (as well as other unknown and undreamt of quests) can be added.c. CHEAT - FarmerThe Farmer stands at his small stall and will give you Bread once every daily period. This can be circumvented by quitting and reloading. He has no other purpose, however the Wheat that lives next to him CAN be harvested if the fence is destroyed. The wheat will grow back if the 'FIX GUILD' option is invoked.d. Forger/Item SalesmanThe Forger will have items for purchase, and will pay good gold for most miscellaneous items that you no longer require.I.

SELL ROSES AND FLOWERSYour first point of business should be to sell your roses and flowers to him. IN THE EARLY GAME, ROSES (AND FLOWERS) ARE THE BEST WAY TO MAKE MONEY. This gold will fund your initial purchases of tools, a sword and armor.iI. Buy: Iron Axe, Iron Shovel and Iron Sword; any ArmorBuy an Iron Axe to chop wood, and Iron shovel to move dirt, and an Iron Sword to kill mobs.

Also buy any affordable armor. A pick-axe is helpful, but not necessary for the 1st day and night.e. Inn-KeeperThis fellow resides behind the counter in the room that serves as the Guild's MAIN ENTRANCE ROOM. THE INN-KEEPER IS EXTREMELY USEFUL IN DETERMINING THE TIME OF DAY. His options allow for the ToK Minecraft Player to initiate either the onset of day or night. AN INVALUABLE NPC CHARACTER.

Use him often to begin Night over again so that Mobs may spawn again.f. Shop-KeeperWhile difficult to find, this lady/fellow will allow you to purchase stores of food.g. Guild MasterThe Guild Master may be the most important NPC character in the Guild-based game!

Without signing the contract with him, the Minecraft Player will never amass enough HONOR to become a King. He also has three (3. Other functions:i. Can 'FIX GUILD' for 64 Wood.ii. Will aid you during the Reficul attack with a sword and healing abilitiesiii.

Will sell and buy back NPC mercenaries.These mercenaries can be equipped with either a sword or a bow, but either way they suck. Gold spent on them is wasted. Instead, save up for Diamond gear.iv. Finding the Guild Master:DIRECTIONS: Down gravel path, Left through main gate, Left at main square with well, left into Main Entrance/Inn-Keepers Room, Right to stairs, immediate 180 turn at top of stairs to continue going up next flight of stairs, SLIGHT LEFT, jump over flowers on table to get to CATTY CORNER HALLWAY, Straight Down hallway, Straight Up stairs, Left across hallway, Down short stairway, GUILD MASTER!v. Maybe this point isn't necessary, but repitition can be helpful.In order to begin your 'PATH TO KINGSHIP', the Minecraft Player must 'SIGN A CONTRACT' with the Guild Master. IF THE MINECRAFT PLAYER DOES NOT SIGN THE CONTRACT HE/HE WILL NOT ACCUMULATE 'HONOR'.3. Create Kill-ZoneOnce the Contract has been signed, it is time to begin accumulating honor!

HONOR CAN BE ACCUMULATED BY KILLING MOBS, RESCUING SURVIVORS, AND SPARRING SOLDIERS. In my opinion (IMO), the last two options are not very good options at all compared to the first: Killing mobs.

So, in order to kill Mobs efficiently and complete the HONOR accumulation process quickly, a KILL-ZONE must be created at the entrance of the guild.a. Cut TreesIf it is still daytime, you should chop trees to accumulate wood and improve the lines of sight in your KILL-ZONE.b. Build hill/rampA simple conduit or route of transit should be constructed to the terrain (that is higher or lower) in front of the guild.c. AND THEN SOME MORE!C.

Continue creating KILL-ZONE between Mob SpawnsKill as many Mobs as you can. Retreat towards the guild when necessary and let the Soldiers drifting about outside help you with any pursuing Mobs. AFAIK, DYING WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR HONOR STATUS (1.2.0-Have not died on 1.2.4 yet).2. Bread when you need itWhen you are near the farmer, and the farmer won't give you bread, AND you are running low on hunger: exit and re-enter the game. The Farmer will give you a another free piece of bread upon command!3. Visit Guild Master at dawn to check Kingship statusAfter you've finished a night (or, equivalently a few game-time minutes), hopefully you have killed 20-30 mobs. Check your status with the Guild Master and then use basic math to determine how many more nights you should be killing mobs.

BE CARFEUL OF THE MIDPOINT ON THE HONOR STATUS BAR.D. Rest of 1st Half of Honor Gathering1. Continuing what we startedKeep killing mobs! Don't stash stuff in your Guild! Sell what you don't need!2. General sources of IncomeGold will continue to grow in importance as your initial items deteriorate.a. Items of ImportanceYou should be selling Gunpowder (especially), String and Ender Pearls for a lot of money!

I do not know about the price for Spider Eyes (although I imagine that they bring in some good gold). Saplings can bring in money too as trees are chopped. Be sure to try and purchase a DIAMOND SWORD for optimal mob killing, otherwise purchase tools and armor as you need them, and sell anything that you would otherwise sack away in a chest for gold that will go towards your completion of the 'Path to Kingship'.b. Items of Non-ImportanceSeeds and Dirt are useless to sell. So are Inc Sacks. Nearly Everything else can be sold for a price, but ROTTEN FLESH is the worst item to collect: only 1 gold per ROTTEN FLESH.3.

Scouting in lieu of Wood-CuttingAt some point, the Minecraft Player may tire from killing mobs. At this point begin exploring for possible areas that you may want to place your Town/Kingdom.a. Avoid ReficulsReficuls spawn at small encampments near nether portals. Avoid these, because they will kill you.

They are easy to spot, even in forests, and they will not attack unless you are within range (I'd guess about 20-25 blocks before they notice you, like even the most observant hostile mobs). Skirt around them and try to climb the mountains in nearby 'High-Land' Biomes, so that you can get a good look at where the Reficul nether points are, as well as the abandoned villes.

I WOULD ALSO HEAVILY ADVISE AN INTERESTED PLAYER TO DOWNLOAD CARTOGRAPHER G, so that he/she could take advantage of an objective, made-from-the-data mapping system (this is not an in-game program, but a program which analyzes the data your world possesses OUT-OF-GAME).b. Come back before nightfallRunning until the Sun is at high noon (with distance set at far) is enough to make visible one section of an in-game map, from the Guild to the boundary. When it is noon-time (or shortly after), begin your return to the Guild so that you don't die with all your possessions in the middle of nowhere.

Also, night-time is when you should be accumulating HONOR, and just in case the Mobs prove too much of a challenge, being near the entrance to the Guild allows for re-enforcements that you don't have to pay for.E. Arguments against perceived future complaints1. Argument: That's not how to play minecraft!You're right, Minecraft is mostly about collecting ores in dangerous underground tunnels. The Minecraft Player can still do this, but by occupying his/her time with exploration, less honor will be achieved, and it will be an EXTREMELY long time before the ToK mod will be completed.2. Argument: I can do it faster another way!THEN DO IT AND SUBSEQUENTLY TELL ME HOW TO DO IT. Seriously, I'm not an expert, nor am I a professional gamer. I'm just a guy who enjoys Minecraft and Minecraft Modifcations!3.

Argument: The rules have changed and this is irrelevant!Fair enough. What I am writing certainly isn't the gospel on ToK Minecraft, or on Minecraft in general.

However, MOST OF THESE PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN LINKED TO COUNTLESS QUESTIONS IN THE MINECRAFT FORUMS, so I have sought to answer them to the best of my abilities. If FAILING in the general community continues, I suppose I just didn't do a good enough job of explaining things.III. Reficul (Spell it backwards) attackA.

Why, how and what the player should do1. Why the Reficul attack HappensThe Reficul attack on the Guild occurs when the Minecraft Player's Honor Bar has reached the Midpoint (or Halfway mark).2. How the Reficul attack happensThe Guild Master will teleport to the Minecraft Player's position and relate the event. RIGHT CLICKING ON THE GUILD MASTER WILL YIELD THE MINECRAFT PLAYER AN IRON SWORD. The Minecraft Player should then return to the guild, finding it attacked. STANDING NEAR THE GUILD MASTER WHILE HE IS ALIVE WILL RESTORE YOUR HEALTH.

However, if you are on fire and near death this health restore will not aid your character, it will only prolong the inevitable death by Reficul.Three (3. Large holes will have spawned:, One (1. In the Main Square (with the well), a 2nd (Two) near the Farmer's stand and a 3rd (Three) near the entrance to the Sparring Pit (to the left of the Forger's station).

DO NOT JUMP DOWN THESE THEY LEAD TO THE VOID AND YOU WILL DIE. This event begets an assortment of REFICUL ENEMIES, WHICH WILL PROCEED TO BURN THE GUILD DOWN AND KILL YOU MANY, MANY TIMES. With the help of your Guild-based comrades, the Reficuls should be defeated in less than half an hour (With exiting - re-entering).3. What you should do when the Reficul attack happens:Go to the guild with the Guild Master. (If you Exit, re-enter and right-click him, he will give your another/a new Iron SworD.


OTHERWISE IT WILL CONTINUALLY RE-SPAWN UNTIL THE REFICULS ARE DEAD.B. CHEAT - Cannibalizing the Guild (For Fun and Profit)As the Guild is already destroyed and you'll have to re-build it, no harm can be found in the cannabalization of the Guild. Put out the fires, and then take out as much wood and cobblestone as you can before choosing 'FIX GUILD' when speaking to the Guild Master. If he is dead, exiting and re-entering will hopefully allow him to appear. If you cannot fix your guild because there are still Reficuls around, run around and try to find the remaining opponents (which the Guild Soldiers should easily destroy).IV.

Just before KingshipA. Cobblestone and WoodAfter all that and some extra mob killing, your honor should be closing in on 'Kingship'. If you have scouted all around the guild, and are tired of killing mobs, begin to accumulate cobblestone in a nearby mine, and wood from the forests which should surround your guild.

You will need at least Five (5) or Six (6) stacks of each to initate a conversation with your Kingdom Builder.B. The 'Builder' NPCThe Builder is a character which can construct your kingdom, and buildings in your kingdom.1. Where he isThe 'Builder' spawns in the 'Main Entrance' near the 'Inn-Keeper's counter. Right-click on him to initiate the TOWN BUILDING PROCESS WHEN YOU HAVE FILLED THE HONOR STATUS BAR.2. How to lead him placesDO NOT SPRINT. The 'Builder', like any other ToK NPC has limited movement and sight ability. Make sure that you are leading him through 'comfortable' terrain (I think of it as a 3x3x3 cube around the fellow).

Walk to your destination, keep an eye on him, and you should arrive at the area to build your kingdom without any worries. Adjusting the terrain IS A MUST, ESPECIALLY IF HILLS OR LAVA PITS ARE IN YOUR PATHWAY.If your builder dies or gets lost, you will have to return to the Guild and try again.

This can be incredibly frustrating, so try to make sure you both arrive safely the first time.V. Founding your TownHooray, it's time to found your Town/Kingdom!1. Location and specificationsa. Relation to GuildMAKE SURE THAT YOUR TOWN IS NEARBY YOUR GUILD.You will need to return to the Guild to purchase items and collect gold from your inventory sales (however small it may be).b. Direction, size and expansionALSO, MAKE SURE THAT YOUR TOWN IS NOT NEARBY YOUR GUILD.The entrance of your town will always face west (the same as the GuilD. (on an in-game Minecraft map) (thus the Town and Guild can never face each other).The size will eventually be huge (+300 meters^3/blocks in direction of expansion).Your town will eventually expand to the south and east (on an in-game Minecraft map).THESE ARE ALL IMPORTANT THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN CHOOSING A SITE FOR YOUR TOWN. Buildings by importance (Tier 1)once the town is founded, you will be able to construct buildings:a.

Item ShopAllows the Minecraft Player to purchase all items, weapons, tools, and armors; and to sell un-necessary items for gold.b. Stock MarketAllows the Minecraft Player to purchase DIAMONDS at a low price, and sell them at a high price (200+%). This building is the main source of revenue for a Tier 1/2 town.c. Large House/Small House/Small HouseEach of these buildings will allow CITIZENS to live in your cities. They may then be turned into WORKERS. Workers can help with mining cobblestone or chopping wood.

Houses are also sources of INCOME through TAXES. This amount is very small when they are created, but with the LIBRARY in TIER 3 this TAXABLE INCOME can be increased.3. Myths and Facts about your cityI have watched many Youtube videos about ToK and I'm concerned that people are getting the wrong ideas/messages. Here is a place to despell some unfortunate ToK-related Myths:a. Myth/Fact: Your Builder can be killed?Fact: FALSE. Your Builder can be killed temporarily. Exitting and re-entering will re-spawn him.b.

Myth/Fact: Your citizens/workers can run away?Fact: They will walk away, but not very far! Even when your Workers/citizens roam slightly farther from your town than you would like, they are always close by and will begin to follow your movements if you get near them. The farthest I have seen workers roam is absoolutely less than 100 blocks from the Town/City/Kingdom's wall.B. Growing your TownNo-one can be content with the Tier 1 Kingdom, so clearly we must expand!1. Town MineBuild a mine for Cobblestone near the entrance of your town. This does not require a lot of effort.

Simply dig somewhere (ideally an opening of Cobblestone) near the entrance of your Town/City/Kingdom to extract cobblestone for new buildings.b. Workers that MineOnce Workers are miners, you can lead them underground (they have ground above them and no access to natural light), right-clicking them will enable then to mine. In addition, they will create 'mine-supports' and once mining has begun they will 'transport cobblestone' over an unknown distance (not very far, but easily more than 50 coordinate points). Utilizing mining workers while building something on the surface is an efficient way to collect lots of cobblestone. In fact, 3-5 workers mining will net you 3-5 cobblestone every few seconds.

By sitting in a safe place close by (perhaps 1000 gold. THIS IS THE WAY TO MAKE LOTS OF MONEY. AT SOME POINT IN TIME, TYBERALYX MUST NERF THIS, SO TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW TO MAKE AS MUCH GOLD AS YOU CAN.4. Maintaining your Town:a. Areas of Darkness and DirtAreas of Darkness will persist throughout your Town, despite the prevalence of lamps and other lighting structures. WHEN UPGRADING TIERS, ALL ADDITIONAL TORCHES AND GLOWSTONE WILL BE DESTROYED.

Minecraft Kingdom 1.3 2

Minecraft Kingdom 1.12.2 Maps

This is important to remember because areas once declared safe will again become dangerous, teeming with zombies, spiders, skeletons, endermen and dreaded creepers.b. Creeper holesCreepers will blow many holes in your kingdom.

I'm assuming that you'll want to fix them As Soon As Possible (ASAP).i. DirtRemember to go on missions to collect DIRT, because it is one of the only items that your NPC citizens will not make available for purchase. Each Creeper explosion destroys half of the dirt blocks that are removed, and each hole requires 30-40 blocks of dirt to repair. Try to keep seven (7) or eight (8) stacks of dirt in reserve in case several creepers explode in one night.ii. ReconstructionThe Builder will 'FIX KINGDOM' for you!

However, once chosen: EVERYTHING YOU HAVE INVENTORIED WITHIN THE KINGDOM SPAWN AREA WILL BE DESTROYED UPON RE-SPAWN. ALSO YOU WILL HAVE SPENT COBBLESTONE AND WOOD. I heartily recommend making reconstructive efforts yourself, unless the Creepers blow a hole in a unique building.

In that case, I would be all for FIXing it through the Builder!VI. Buildings by importance (Tier 2)Tier two (2.


Represents a huge shift from Tier 1. This is an idea of the order in which I would construct the next few buildings:1. Food ShopThe Food Shop allows the Minecraft Player to purchase any type of food they wish for very cheap prices. The most important shop for the aspiring King waging war with the enemies outside his/her gates! THE FOOD SHOP REMOVES ANY NEED FOR KILLING AND COOKING ANIMALS FOR MEAT, GATHERING ANIMAL BYPRODUCTS, OR GROWING FOOD (EXCEPT FOR WHEAT).

A very useful and important building (but beware mobs that spawn in the attiC.2. Blocks ShopThe Blocks Shop allows the Minecraft Player to purchase almost any block in the game for very cheap prices. THE BLOCK SHOP ALSO REMOVES ANY NEED FOR MINING. Beware mobs that spawn in the attic.3.

BarracksUseful for training Melee (Warriors/Knights/Paladins) and Ranged (Archers/Bandits/?) NPCs, and gathering your entire army at one point. Remember these governing points, or else your terrain will end up full of Creeper holes and devoid of NPC army protection:Some General Tips on using your NPC Army:a.

NPC Melee and Ranged Soldiers are more useful in groups than aloneb. NPC Melee and Ranged Soldiers are terrible against Creepers.c.

NPC Melee and Ranged Soldiers are better when FOLLOWING you than when GUARDING a particular location.d. So, if you have one Soldier guarding an area, and a creeper shows up, you will very quickly have no Soldier, no Creeper, and a brand new crater.4. Large House/Large House/Small House/Small House/Small HouseIncome and Workers are helpful, but these buildings are primarily built to get to Tier 3.5.

Builder HouseNo contribution other than another building for Creepers to blow up, and that you must build it to attain Tier 3. When built, your Builder NPC will relocate here, completely messing with your sense of direction when he is nowhere to be found, even upon exitting and re-entering. ALSO, THE AREA AND CORRIDOR BETWEEN THE BUILDER HOUSE, AND THE LARGE AND SMALL HOUSES TO THE RIGHT OF THE MAIN ENTRANCE PATH SPAWNS MANY MOBS. Place a few torches around here so that you don't get blown up casually re-entering your Kingdom.B.

Keep going, the effort is worth it!This seems like a ton of work, but I promise that once Tier 3 is built Minecraft will be an entirely new game! The ultimate mix of creative and survival that Mojang programmers could barely fathom when NPC Villages were added! You're only a few hours away from amassing the cobblestone and wood required to continue, so you certainly must not give up now!VII. Buildings by importance (Tier 3)1. LibraryTHE LIBRARY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BUILDING IN THE TOK MOD. Here, you can STUDY, INVEST IN THE TOWN or research Excalibur (which is not yet playable, as of 1.2.4)a. CHEAT - STUDYINGStudying allows the player to earn free experience, and in almost every case extra levels.

With the recent Minecraft 1.0 release, and the subsequent ToK 1.2.4 update, LEVELS ARE NOW USED TO PURCHASE ENCHANTMENTS. TOK WAS NOT BUILT WITH THIS IN MIND. When your Character Level is zero/zed (0), studying in the library will result in an increase of 142-143 levels. When your Character Level is one (1), your level will increase by 72-73.

And so on and so forth, so that each additional STUDY is met by fewer and fewer level gains. This can be used to great advantage before the next update is released and this ability is inevitably nerfed!b.

CHEAT - INVESTMENTI'm not sure exactly what the equation is (I say equation because it's far too simple to be an algorithm), but essentially for 500 Gold you 'INCREASE' your tax rate 'PER HOUSE' by five (5) Gold. This means that every day (a day-long period, negated by beds and inn-keeper/tavern-keeper functions) the gold you receive from taxes will be higher. I am currently at an INCREASE OF 75,000+ PER DAY. At present my gold total is 50,000,000, with an increase of. Quote fromI have a question for you guys. I had to delete my save with ToK progress, so I started completely new world, but.

I've generated about 20 worlds and I can't find nice seed. I mean, yes, I can look on a forum for a thread with sharing seeds, but I'd like something what has some lakes, a river, a guild in the jungle, a big desert and the second jungle. And everything near:smile.gif:Try: 'Lakes, River, Jungle Guild, Desert & Jungle' or the numeric for it is '-781574762', as your seed. I got a swamp instead of a jungle but it has some appeal:tongue.gif.

Quote fromAnyways, for those that played the pre-release, do you think miners should get a chance of getting iron instead of cobble? (also, I could do diamonds and gold, but that is just way overpowered in my opinion.)I don't think its really a issue. Since most of the time I have enough money to buy most stuff that iron is needed for.

Kingdom New Lands 1.3.2 Apk

Doing diamonds would be a little OP.Also I kind of don't like the mining system.For one you can only have 1 person mining at a time, if you try to right click another one the first one stops and it digs another quarry.The range that they 'throw' cobble at you is kind of weird. I was out of my mine and above ground and he was still tossing cobble at me.One suggestion I have is make a Tier 1 upgrade for Quarry/Mineshaft where you can send NPCs to mine. I would think having them mine into a chest is possible but not sure. Quote fromHey excuse me, i'm using the 1.0.3 version of this mod, and i've reached tier 2.If I update to 1.0.5, will all my progress lost? I know that you said NOT to download it in the main page as it can destroy our current project, but I saw Jeir said that it's okay.In short, is it okay to update from 1.0.3 o 1.0.5/ the pre-release?Thanks.:smile.gif:Mine updated fine but I backed up everything just in case. Save a copy of your Kingdom files and your world first than if it doesn't work you still have it. Quote fromHey excuse me, i'm using the 1.0.3 version of this mod, and i've reached tier 2.If I update to 1.0.5, will all my progress lost?

I know that you said NOT to download it in the main page as it can destroy our current project, but I saw Jeir said that it's okay.In short, is it okay to update from 1.0.3 o 1.0.5/ the pre-release?Thanks.:smile.gif:Its hit or miss it seems. Ive upgraded through 1.0.3 to 1.0.5 to pre-release and never lost progress. But others have. The only thing I can recommend is to back up your save file as well as your KingdomModSave.dat file and try the update. If it works awesome, if not then downgrade back to 1.0.3.

(210 votes)Tale of Kingdoms is a mod for Minecraft, the popular world-building survival game. Instead of exploring the usual rolling landscape populated by creepers, skeletons and livestock, you can become a king in a medieval world, fighting evil creatures as you struggle to build your own city — a tiny kingdom ruled by you! One major new feature that sets Tale of Kingdoms apart from the vanilla game is the NPCs or non-player characters that you'll meet.The Guild Master is the central character of the game: talk to him to sign a monster-hunting contract or hire other NPCs, called hunters, to help you out. Other characters include the Inn Keeper, who will let you relax in his establishment to pass the time until morning, the Black Smith, who will sell you weapons and armor, and the Chef, who sells food.Getting started in Tale of Kingdoms is as easy as it is exciting. After making a new world in Minecraft and clicking the “Start Your Conquest!” button, you’ll find yourself on a gravel path leading to the local inn. You’ll meet the Guild Master here, sign the contract and go out to destroy evil, racking up honor points as you lay waste to your foes.

Once you’ve accumulated enough honor to prove yourself worthy of the crown, you can return to the inn and talk to the City Builder, another friendly NPC who will follow you to the place where you want to build your new kingdom. Collect resources and chat with the fellow, giving him orders to construct buildings and create a mighty city for you to rule! Downloads for Tale of Kingdoms Mod 1.6.4, 1.5.2.

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