Poliquin 5x5 Program

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Welcome to the Site! Please join this discussionabout Fortes' POLIQUIN-STYLE powerlifting routine - 24 lbs. In 6 months NATURALLY within the Weight Training & Weight Liftingcategory.Excerpt: The routine that I have had the BEST success with so far in my 4 year lifting career is a spin-off of the Charles Poliquin 5% solution. It revolves around the bench, squat and deadlift, and though it is specifically meant for PL, you bet yo' ass it'll pack sick amounts of LBM on your body.In a nutshell:WEEK 1Mon: SQUAT - 5X6 @ 80% 1RMASSISTS:Read more or to join the discussion below.

The routine that I have had the BEST success with so far in my 4 year lifting career is a spin-off of the Charles Poliquin 5% solution. Screwball -I agree completely.

There is NO canned program that can compete with Westside. Because it's all about tailoring the training to STRENGTHEN the trainee's weaknesses, and UTILIZE his/her strengths.

Poliquin 5x5 Program For Seniors


In short, it's not canned. Though I like my routine very much, had I the equipment, the time, and the gym I needed to do Westside style training, I would switch in a heartbeat.However, for your ME days what you might want to consider is using a poliquin 5% solution scheme. Since you switch up ME exercises every couple of weeks it would work well methinks. But maybe for some (or most), using Westside's methods will allow them to add more weight every week to their ME than 5% feasibly.The routine I posted is good for a bodybuilder who lacks in strength (with the 6-5-4-3 rep ranges) or a bodybuilder who lacks in hypertrophy (10-9-8-7 rep ranges), or powerlifter who, like me, lacks the implements/gym features/time devotion to train Westside to the 'T' (i.e., sled dragging EOD, plyometric ball work, GPP stuff etc.).

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