Eec 5 Rights Of Medication Training Course

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  1. Eec Five Rights Medication Training

5 Rights Of Medication Administration.1.5 rights of medication administration MPS 102.5 rights Client Time (+ when last given) Drug Dose Route.Client Ask woman Name and DOB Check armband Name DOB NHI Check medication order Name DOB NHI.Time Ask woman has she had it before and when last given Check medication order when to be given Has it already been given and when.Drug Ask woman has she had this drug before? Has it adversely affected her?

Eec Five Rights Medication Training

Does she know why she is to have this drug? Is she happy to have this drug now? Ellipse autocad isometric. Check name of drug on chart and on container Make sure you are familiar with this drug, expected effect and any adverse affects Look it up in Mimms or another resource.Dose Check the dose required Does this match with recommended dose If you are unsure check and do not administer until you are sure Check dose available If necessary perform drug calculation make sure you are administering the correct volume of liquid or number of tablets or capsules.Route Check route in medication order Is this route acceptable to the woman? Does this route comply with the recommendations in the literature? If not check with prescriber and do not administer until you are sure this is OK Is this route available, e.g.IV.Check 5 rights three times When you first check the chart to see what is ordered When you get the medication, check with another midwife or health professional Before you administer the medication at the woman’s side.

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