Ashtanga Yoga The Primary Series

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Ashtanga Yoga is a powerful and millennia old practice, and is based on the eight limbs described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Ashtanga Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Key elements of the practice are the breath, movement, and posture. The practice strengthens, stretches, and cleanses the body. It helps to quiet and focus the mind; it prepares the practitioner for dhyana (meditation) through pratyahra (withdrawal of the mind) and dharana (concentration). The practice is a self-study (svadhyaya) of the body and mind. Through continuous practice the practitioner will gain a deeper, clearer, subtler insight and understanding of the self, affecting all areas of life.Mysore Stylerefers to the unique style of yoga practice within Ashtanga Yoga.

The student practices on her/his own pace, per her/his capability under the supervision of a teacher. The teacher advises, adjusts, and helps per the individual needs, adding poses to the individual practice, when appropriate. Mysore Style is for all levels of students, from beginner to experienced student.Led Class is a style of class within Ashtanga Yoga, where the teacher counts the participants through the Primary Series. This is only for students who remember the sequence; this practice helps to refine the flow of the practice, aligned with the breath. Students have to be familiar and sufficient with the Primary Series and need permission of the teacher to participate!Guided Class is a style of class, that we offer at Ashtanga Yoga Shala, to help practitioners to become familiar with the practice and the first series of Ashtanga Yoga.

This is a group class and the teacher guides the group through the sequence. If need be the class is slowed down for explanations, demonstrations and help. This is a Half Primary Series and it is up to the teachers judgment, how far the class will go.Yoga Nidra, which is derived from the tantras, is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously.

Ashtanga Second Series

Ashtanga yoga the primary series listAshtanga

Yoga nidra is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. The term yoga nidra is derived from two Snaskrit words, yoga meaning union or one-pointed awareness, and nidra which means sleep. During the practice of yoga nidra, one appears to be asleep, but consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. For this reason, yoga nidra is often referred to as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness.

In this threshold state between sleep and wakefulness, contact with the subconscious and unconscious dimensions occurs spontaneously.In yoga nidra, the state of relaxation is reached by turning inwards, away from outer experiences. Yoga nidra is one aspect of pratyahara (sense withdrawal) which leads to the higher states of concentration and samadhi.There is no previous knowledge or experience for the yoga nidra class required. The class is about 50 – 60 minutes long and participants are guided through the whole process of yoga nidra.(Yoga Nidra, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, p.1 -2). How Does Ashtanga Yoga Work?There are six series in Ashtanga Yoga, and each student is taught one asana (pose) at a time. Dart karaoke studio 1.4.9 serial. As the student masters an asana, they are progressing to the next one, to add onto their practice. As a beginner, a student might just practice 30 to 40 minutes.

Each student practices at their own pace with the one on one guidance from the teacher. As shown on the photo below, each series starts with the Sun Salutations, followed by Standing Sequence, the Series, Back Bending, and ending with the Finishing Sequence.​.

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